Quick Rechargeable --- Lithium Ion Nanophospate Technology --- Safe; Rugged; Convenient for Use 


Power 19.4Ah & 29.4Ah , Voltage : 26.4 Nominal Voltage, No of Recharges : 4 to 5 Recharges per Charge


Use Latest Lithium Ion Innovoation; light weight starting Start Stick to start engine of Fixed Wing Aicrafts & Helicopters. This portable Start stick unit delivers very high inrush current essentail for engine starting applications. Rugged but convenient handy unit. START STICK is most advanced ground power unit. the stowable cable-free desing is engineered for durable long lasting. 


Can also be used as Standby Power during MRO for Avionics Maintenance; Pre Flight Operations like System Checks before flying and can be used as Ground Power Unit.    Start Stick  weighing just above 5kg is the first ever portable start battery lightweight enough to carry on every flight. Ideal for emergency start purposes or for the light duty ramp use such as for standby power for avionics maintenance.